By Triciclo Admin

This exhibition, like our work, It focuses on the crowds and how insignificant we are, the inevitable way that we delve into them thus losing our authenticity, becoming a momentary passenger for the eyes of others.

Each work is made up of many individual parts that together manage to capture an idea or sensation. what we are looking for is give importance to each of them, however small and insignificant it may seem.

Many of our works are represented with the figure of an ant, this is due to the interest that the strength and greatness they have compared to their characteristic size causes us. We must understand by them that real strength has nothing to do with the physical, but with the extraordinary work together and an immense will.

Dates: March 9 - June 9, 2018

Place: Altavista 147, San Ángel, Álvaro Obregón, CDMX